


バーミンガム大学病院がBlue Prismの使用を拡大

As part of the trust’s drive to improve patient service, UHB looks to IT to provide opportunities to streamline, integrate and automate processes. This case study covers further work done by the trust with Blue Prism to automate processes throughout UHB.


  • Enabled UHB to develop their own Blue Prism configuration expertise
  • Projects delivered in the required timeframes
  • Projects cost significantly less than alternative approaches
  • Significant reduction in process operating costs
  • Improvement in accuracy and ‘right first time’ processing
  • No changes or operational impact on existing systems
  • Enabled the UHB to economically tackle new automation and integration initiatives
  • Helped to support the trusts drive for operational agility
  • Reduced pressure on stretched IT resources


専門家チームにご相談ください RPAのメリットについて学びましょう
