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LONDON, AUSTIN TX – October 7, 2020 — Addressing the increasing demands of customer contact centers and call center agent productivity, Blue Prism (AIM: PRSM) today announced the availability of Blue Prism Service Assist. This new offering delivers a real-time, unified 360-degree view of all customer interactions helping free up agents so they can be more responsive, empathetic and engaging, to better serve customers.
Service Assist empowers contact center agents by automating system tasks that simplify and guide customer interaction tasks including searching databases, scheduling callbacks, and updating customer records. By providing a secure, scalable and centrally managed digital workforce, Blue Prism is poised to revolutionize today’s contact center ecosystem by offering a complete end-to-end automation solution. These capabilities also include supporting attended automation, digital workforce orchestration as well as integration with AI and machine learning tools to accelerate customer services. The result is streamlined contact center operations, increased agent satisfaction, and higher customer satisfaction.
“Through the smart use of intelligent automation, which includes combining RPA with machine learning and other technologies, we’ve shown you can do things in a different way," says Enrique Manso Nerin, Partner at EY-Parthenon. “The solution allows the agent to perform the same activities that he was doing but faster and with a more precise approach. We’ve been able process more than 250,000 calls in a day from different customers calling simultaneously, which in many cases has peaked at 20 calls per second. It has been a very enriching experience."
Optimizing the Customer Experience
With a business-led front end and an IT-governed backend, Service Assist offers contact center teams increased functionality and security while significantly reducing Average Handling Times (AHT) and improving First Call Resolution (FCR). Service Assist gives agents an efficiency boost in the following ways:
"Contact centers are the frontline of the customer experience,” says Linda Dotts, Blue Prism’s Chief Partner Strategy Officer. “Consumers today are demanding that all modes of interaction are seamless between virtual channels and live agents, but all customer support teams face challenges, including legacy systems, high staff attrition, at home agents and cost minimization. This is where Service Assist comes into play."
“2020 continues to be the perfect storm for change and disruption in the global contact center industry,” says Paul Stockford, Chief Analyst at Saddletree Research. “Our January 2020 survey of customer service professionals revealed that 12 percent of the industry was already focused on introducing AI-enabled automation solutions such as Blue Prism in 2020, joining the 16 percent of contact centers that have already deployed automation. The pandemic, however, has caused a dramatic spike in demand for automated solutions, which now represent a market segment that is expected to reach a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 64.2 percent from 2020 to 2024.”
Blue Prism will feature Service Assist at this year’s ICMI Contact Center Virtual Expo, October 13-14.
A Blue Prism é líder global em automação de processo robótica (RPA) e automação inteligente, transformando o modo. Capacitamos os clientes a reimaginar como o trabalho é feito com uma força de trabalho digital inteligente segura e escalável. Uma força de trabalho digital aumenta a eficiência, reduz os custos operacionais e devolve milhões de horas à equipe para se concentrar nas coisas mais importantes.
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©2022 Blue Prism Limited. “Blue Prism”, o logotipo “Blue Prism” e o dispositivo Prism são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas da Blue Prism Limited e suas afiliadas. Todos os direitos reservados.
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